The Benefits of Using White Space in UI Design

Both clients and some designers may want to put as many features and elements as possible on one page thinking that it will save the game. But that’s a misinterpretation: users don’t need everything at once. Excessive elements without enough air significantly raise the level of distraction. Just because there is space doesn’t mean that we have to fill it.

One of the main differences between professional content and amateur content is actually not the quality of the text, but the layout and design of the content.

This blog, we will discuss the concept of white space and its benefits of use in UI design to create an uncluttered look.

White Space in UI Design

What is White Space in Design?

White space, also referred as negative space, is one of the most valuable assets of a web design. White space is the space between columns, graphics, margins, texts, images, and a range of other elements spread across a web page.

 In other terms, it is a portion of the web page which is left blank or unmarked to make the page more readable and easy-to-interpret.

We often dismiss the blank parts of a page as unimportant but white space of each page is as important as the content it separates. The basic role of white space is to let your design breathe by reducing the amount of texts and functional elements that users see at once.

“Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.”

–  Wojciech Zieliński

In spite of being called ‘white’, this space doesn’t accurately need to be white. Any type of space that presents as a background for the content or functional elements can be considered white space. White space is simply the lack of content in areas allowing the user to rest their eyes as they go from section to section.

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Why Does White Space Matter in UI Design?

White space is a kind of breathing space for all the elements on the page. It not only defines the limits of elements but it also creates the necessary bonds between them and builds up effective visual performance.

Space between your images and text change the complete essence of your website. Adding whitespace is simply just hitting enter and adding margin and padding.  Let’s have a look at few factors that depict why white space is important for UI design.

Makes text more readable

The majority of information we have on the page is in written form. Hence, it’s necessary to design in a way that makes it easier for users to read your content. White space can enhance readability by making it easier to follow content and go through elements and features on the page.

You need to adjust line-spacing if you want to use white space to make written content more readable. When line-spacing is too more, it becomes harder for users to read the text, whereas too much white space between lines can break the reading flow. It’s recommended to select a line-spacing in proportion to font size. The recommended line-spacing for body text is between 120% and 145% of the font size.

Drive user’s attention to particular objects

A good design guides users through the interactions on a page, and white space plays a tremendous role in this process. The more white space added near a particular object, the more attention it receives from users. 

The tactic of using white space to drive user attention works well for promotion landing pages. With white space, user’s attention can be directed towards specific content or functional elements such as call-to-action buttons using white space.

Convey a feeling of elegance

White space has a notable impact on how your design is perceived. When paired with nice typography and powerful photography, white space can easily make your design look elegant. Using white space, you can highlight a product you want to promote and give users a clear signal that the product is the most important part of the page.

Create visual hierarchy on a page

Visual hierarchy is about arranging content in a way that help users easily process the information on the page. When users open a web page, they generally scan it rather than reading it. Good visual hierarchy can improve the scannability of a website. White space allows UI designers to create a flow that the user’s eye will follow when they scan a page.

Final words

When white space is used appropriately, it acts as the glue that holds the different elements and features on a page together while improving the interface’s usability.

 Whitespace is undoubtedly an excellent tactic that allows you to meet your website objective in the best possible manner. Removing any kind of friction between designers and website owners, these whitespace work for your website, making it stand out from a crowd.

Source : Weingenious Technocrats Blog


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    Ich möchte DR. AKHERE für die wundervolle Arbeit danken, die er für mich und meine Familie geleistet hat. Ich hatte eine ernsthafte Trennung von meinem Ex, aber als ich ihn um Hilfe bat, brachte er ihn mit seinen historischen Kräften zu mir zurück und half mir auch dabei einen Job zu bekommen, da er mich verzaubert hat, hat es mir wirklich gut getan und seit ich ihn kenne, ist mein Mann mir treu geblieben Hilfe, wenn Sie mit einer Trennung oder einem Eheproblem konfrontiert sind, wenden Sie sich einfach an diesen Mann, um Hilfe zu erhalten. Er wird Ihnen helfen, alles mit seiner Macht zu regeln. Bitte kontaktieren Sie ihn über seine E-Mail: oder rufen Sie / whatsapp: +2349057261346 an Ihre Probleme werden gelöst.


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