Is It Time to Join the Cloud?

Wondering if joining the cloud is the right move for your company? It’s a question that many CTOs have considered recently as the advantages of cloud computing are frequently heralded as the next evolution of managing an IT infrastructure. Moving your IT infrastructure to a cloud could save your company money on hardware and software costs, it could save time by providing maintenance and management for your data, and it can save resources by eliminating the needs and requirements for equipment storage. Read More : 9 Reasons why tech companies should adopt outsourcing However, any shift from the norm is met with some fair amount of healthy skepticism. And no company should hastily make the switch to cloud computing without first examining the disadvantages as well as the advantages. The reality is there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to cloud computing and ultimately the decision must be made by examining the needs and operational requirements of each company and co...